Sunday, March 08, 2009

Katie Cam

I love a baby's coos and babbles. It seems like they really believe they are telling you something. Like a secret mommy-baby language. Like most kids though Kate shuts down when the camera's on so it's hard to record her "talking." Here's a little of what I did manage to get...


Philip Deskins said...

Be careful when you tell a baby to "spit it out"
You know how they are. (rolling my eyes)

Anonymous said...

At least the baby doesn't say "that's what she said" (rolling MY eyes)


Ms. Thomas said...

Ha ha... Spit it out and that's what she said... funny commenters!

She is so pretty. And I can't think of what else to say that won't sound perverted since the previous comments sent my mind right to the gutter.