Monday, November 23, 2009

Part Wookiee?

Kate doesn't talk yet (although I swear I heard her say "da-ee" a couple of times) but she does make lots of noises. Funny noises like some sort of animal. David said she reminds him of Chewbacca from Star Wars.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Halloween Festivities

Of course we carved pumpkins. Well David and Jonah did. I made Jonah do it. He didn't want to but I told him it was a family activity and he had to participate. Then he really enjoyed it. He was very proud that he carved his pumpkin completely by himself for the first time. Kate and Caroline just watched pretty much.
David worked really hard on his design. I think that's so cute!
Caroline wanted to make cookies for her friends. So we baked cookies and made goody bags for the neighborhood kids. Let me tell you. Sprinkles and a 2 year old is a dangerous combination.
I asked Caroline what she wanted to be for Halloween this year, not really expecting an answer, but she told me that she wanted to be a witch. So Caroline was a witch and Kate a bunny. Jonah went to Gatlinburg (ski trip jr) with his best friend. We really missed him.
It was pretty cold so we bundled the girls up as best as we could but they still got pretty cold. We trick or treated for about half an hour when they had enough.
David managed to scare the trick or treaters. And us too.

Naturally the girls loved their treats. I was pleasantly surprised at how much Caroline got into the Halloween festivities this year. I think Christmas is going to be a lot of fun!