Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Out of the blue last night Kate started blowing raspberries on my arm. I've never seen a baby do that before. It really cracked me up! And everyone else.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Softer Side of Dave

Not everyone realizes this but David claims to hate cats. Hate. He says they should all be put down. Imagine my surprise when I came across pictures on my camera of a kitten and found out that they were taken by David! It seems a little kitten visited our house one day when I was out. David was so charmed by her cuteness that he fed her andeven took several photos. I bet he even petted her. She must have found her way home because we haven't seen her again since. Probably for the best because I bet the "cat hater" might have kitten-napped her.
(This entry is dedicated to Jen - the crazy cat woman. ; ) )

Saturday, September 05, 2009


I have been really unmotivated about the blog lately. I started this blog for all of our family and friends who live out of town and don't get to see the kids very often. But now I don't even really think any of them, with the exception of a few of our friends, even check the blog. Maybe I should just give up on the blog. But I hate to do that too. I've been doing this for so long now. I don't know. Anyway here's what we've been up to lately...

Jonah started fifth grade. He also joined the band and chose to play the trumpet. David played trombone in middle school and I played the saxophone in middle and high school. So we're excited for him to learn how to play an instrument. Caroline was extremely jealous.
Caroline started preschool. It's a 2 year old program at a co-op preschool (http://www.coopschool.org/ if you're interested) that she attends two mornings a week. I really like the school so far and Caroline LOVES it. She didn't want to leave on the first day. Also she has quit taking naps. I am devastated.
Kate is crawling, pulling herself up, and has even stood on her own a few times. And she has two teeth. One on bottom and one on top. Like a jack-o-lantern. She now LOVES the wagon. David and I have put in a lot of hours lately pulling the wagon.I ran a 5k for the first time. 40min and 11sec. I'm running regularly now and plan on even trying a 10k in October (with our friends Jen and Mike, yay!). I know I look like hell in this picture but oh well. It was unbelievably hot that night. Don't you love the look on Jonah's face! David and the kids waited for me at the finish line. Plus David made lasagna to celebrate. He's such a good husband!And last but not least, David is absolutely thrilled that football starts today. He's in 2 fantasy football leagues this year. I hope he wins us some money. David even made us have a flag changing ceremony this year to honor the start of football season.Well that's it for now.