Monday, February 26, 2007

Happy B-Day JB!!!!

I don't know which is more unbelievable that Jonah has turned 8 or that I'm the mother of an 8 year old. His actual birthday was Saturday. (Yes! He won first place on his birthday.) We wanted to make this birthday a little extra special with the baby coming, so we had a bowling party for him on Sunday (so it wouldn't interefere with the pinecar derby). Jonah came home very upset after the invitations had been passed out saying that no one would be able to come because the party was on Sunday. Then I got very worried. You don't want your child's birthday party to bomb! Never fear however, we eventually had 13 girls and boys call and RSVP. David and I were extremely nervous. At this age, parents drop their kids off and leave. At first it was extremely hectic, greeting everyone, getting their shoes, and getting them into the bowling lane computer. After that however, things went pretty smoothly, and I think all the kids had a pretty good time.

Time for pizza! (The boys in the front don't look very happy for some reason.)

Then cake. Mmmmmmmm!
The whole crazy gang. (I was so glad I made them all wear name tags!)
I think this will be a birthday Jonah will never forget!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Annual Pinecar Derby

Perhaps you have heard of the cub scouts' annual pinecar derby race. It's a pretty big deal to all the boys. Actually, it's a pretty big deal to all the boys and the dads. Especially David. I haven't seen him get so excited about something since fantasy football. Last year was Jonah's first year participating. He and David built a car together but didn't really know what they were doing. Poor Jonah's car came in dead last. It was a year of learning. This year, however, David was on a mission.
...and here it is! Isn't she a beauty?
Jonah with his car.
Jonah's car about to race. Jonah won all three of his races!!!
And the winner is.....
That's right! Jonah's (and David's) car came in first place!!!!! I don't know who was more excited. Now Jonah's car gets to race in the district championship. I'll keep you updated.

Special thanks to Rob and Olly for their help!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Big Brother

Sunday Jonah attended big brother class at Central Baptist Hospital where the baby will be born. When I first mentioned it to him, he didn't want to go. Then after a couple of weeks he asked me out of the blue when he would get to go to big brother school. I guess he's getting more excited. He was the oldest kid there, but I think he enjoyed that and kind of felt like an expert compared to the other little kids, answering most of the questions.

The kids all had to bring a doll or stuffed animal to take to the class. Jonah chose his duck Jack Jack.

Learning how to become a sibling sounds pretty easy!

They all learned to put on a diaper. I had to help him out a little bit. Jonah has been pretty adamant that he will not be changing any diapers. That's okay. That's what Dad is for!

What the...?
Oh I see! (Are you watching David?)


Trying on the free stuff. Hmmmmmmmmmmm... Dr. Schanding.

Monday, February 12, 2007

"C" is for Caroline

As a Valentine's Day gift, David got me a 3D ultrasound. Wasn't that so sweet? The 3D ultrasound people recommend getting a 3D ultrasound before 26 weeks because the baby has a lot more rooom to move around and you can see more. I'm now 33 weeks. The tech told us she is very squished in there. I believe it. Her movements are getting painful. The tech also told us that she has chubby cheeks, a dimple in her chin and elbows, and a lot of hair. Just like regular ultrasounds, it was very difficult for us to make anything out unless the tech pointed it out and told us what was what. Also, Caroline kept her hands in front of her face the whole time.

In this photo, she makes the letter "C" with her finger and thumb. This is my favorite photo. You can see her chubby cheeks too.
This is a photo of her hands and feet. David made the tech count her fingers and toes. There's 20 all together. You can see how twisted up she is in there. Here's how she stayed pretty much the whole time. With her hand covering her eyes, like it was too sunny in there.
The tech also said she thinks Caroline will weigh more than Jonah did, who was 8lbs 1oz. My doctor said the same thing. I thought girl babies were smaller!