Saturday, May 25, 2013

New Additions to the Zoo Crew!

Yesterday was the last day of school in Fayette County.  And I am now officially the mother to a freshman high school student.  Yikes!  How did that happen?  What I did realize however (like a smack in the face) is how incredibly fast time flies and how very quickly our babies grow up.  I have been promising the girls a kitten forever.  But you know what?  Why not today?  So off we went to the Lexington Humane Society and picked us two up.  Meet Cuddles and Polka Dot!  We're all in love with them.  Luckily David was out of town and couldn't stop us.  Although the humane society did call and ask for his permission since he showed up as the owner of our house.  What is this 1913?!

Busy Bees

This spring is the first time that all three kids have been involved in an activity at the same time.  Jonah in baseball and Caroline and Kate in soccer.  Between practices and games we stay pretty busy.  Plus David's playing softball on Wednesdays.  Plus I volunteered to be team mom for Jonah's team and been studying for my RN boards.  The very first Saturday of the season all three of their games fell at the exact same time.  Of course.  Luckily Jonah's old enough to be dropped off alone.  Dropped Jonah off, took C to her game, and then K to her game.  Luckily the fields were right next to each other so I ran back and forth trying to watch parts of both games.  Then once their games were over we headed back to the baseball field to catch the end of JB's game.  Shwoo!  They all love it however.  The girls' season is already over.  They were thrilled to each get a trophy.  Baseball continues into June.  I know this season was just a preview of how it will be in the years to come.


PS  This new blog format is making me nuts.