Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy 12th Birthday!

Twelve years ago today my baby boy was born. I actually thought that I was having a girl. I had a pretty normal pregnancy, so I only had one ultrasound. At that ultrasound the baby wouldn't cooperate no matter how hard the tech shook my belly. Then she said, "I'm about 90% sure that you are going to have a girl." When I told family and friends that, they went nuts buying girl stuff, especially my mother. Her name was going to be Chloe Elise. Imagine my surprise when the doctor said, "You have a beautiful baby girl! Wait a minute..." Luckily I already had the name Jonah Benjamin picked out. That 10% chance of a boy kept nagging at me. I heard the name Jonah on A Baby Story (which if you are a woman whose been pregnant you have watched) and then heard the name again later the same day in the movie Sleepless in Seattle. So I guess it was fate...

I carried that little boy in my belly for 42 weeks! His initial due date was January 19 but was moved to February 9th after the ultrasound. After Jan 19th however I kept thinking any day now, any day now, any day now. It seemed like an ETERNITY. They don't even let people go that long anymore, thank goodness! They induced me in the morning and after 15 long, non-epidural hours (I had wanted to try and go au natural.) at 2:42 am my baby was born weighing 8lbs 1oz. I'll never forget when the nurses put him in my arms and I said, "Hi Jonah. I'm your mommy." It was love at first sight. I love you Jonah Benjamin. Happy birthday!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

New Additions

That's right! The Schandings got a new car! (Did that title grab your attention?) Well, new to us. David sold the Rav 4 and we bought his sister's mini-van. The Schanding family will be travelin' in-style!

It's even got one of those cool built in, flip down dvd players with cordless earphones. Just call it the Schanding party van. Woot! Woot!

We also got a hammock. We party and then we relax. Is spring here? Oh please, please yes!!!!

Monday, February 07, 2011

Mommy + Daddy Get Out

It had been three years since David and I have been away overnight sans children. THREE YEARS! So I decided we were way overdue a grown-up trip, just in time for our good friends' annual Super Bowl weekend trip to Gatlinburg, or more commonly known as the "ski trip" (but with no skiing). Let me just say, I HAD SO MUCH FUN! Woo hoo! The girls stayed with Grandma Paula and Grandpa Don (thank you so much Don and Paula!) and Jonah stayed with his best buddy. The kids were fine and had a good time. It will NOT be another three years for David and I to have QT sans kids.

The View

Like Dave's new tats?

The Big Poker Game. I prefer Left, Right, Center myself.
The whole gang. Aren't we silly?