Monday, May 28, 2007


Jonah was in his first school play this past Friday. He played Ant #2 in the production of Spiderella. He had a total of two lines. David and I were so proud! All the kids were really cute and did a fantastic job.

Can you see Jonah? I learned that I should arrive much earlier to get a good seat for taking pictures, especially with a baby in a stroller. He's at the bottom of the second window, next to the kid with the yellow hat on.
There he is! Here's Jonah with his best buddy Michael C.

Way to go Jonah!

Monday, May 21, 2007

I Think He's a Natural! (2 new posts!!!)

Our friend Phil stopped by for a visit. Maybe a baby could be in Phil's future?


Never wake a sleeping baby! That's my motto. They are like precious little angels.

Well, she's pretty precious when she's awake too.