Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Softer Side of Dave

Not everyone realizes this but David claims to hate cats. Hate. He says they should all be put down. Imagine my surprise when I came across pictures on my camera of a kitten and found out that they were taken by David! It seems a little kitten visited our house one day when I was out. David was so charmed by her cuteness that he fed her andeven took several photos. I bet he even petted her. She must have found her way home because we haven't seen her again since. Probably for the best because I bet the "cat hater" might have kitten-napped her.
(This entry is dedicated to Jen - the crazy cat woman. ; ) )


Jen said...

OMG - this kitten is too cute!! I'm kind of sad he/she didn't stick around and become another Schanding. I can't wait for the day when you guys get the girls a kitten - they will be such good cat moms!

I didn't know Dave hated cats??!! He owned one when I first met him ... does Grouch not count?

Anonymous said...

I too am married to a "cat-hater" even though we have had 6 cats during the years, all brought home by the hater.

Ms. Thomas said...

Awww, this may have pushed me over the edge to cat owner.

I've been getting my fix from a gang of strays Mack found up the road. I bring them milk and food and they act afraid of me and I want to cry I want to cuddle them so bad. The plan is to snatch the baby gray one and bring it to my house once it gets used to me. And maybe the one in socks too. And maybe the black one. BUT THAT IS IT!

If Grouch was my cat, I'd probably hate cats too. I can't blame Dave for that one.

Anonymous said...

lol you can't STAY a "cat hater" if a kitten comes to say hello..and one as adorable as that one...

your also crazy cat lady cousin,

D, A, B, Z, and Ak said...

So speaking of David - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! (: If I had an address I'd sent a card - but hopefully you'll get this note! (: Hope you had a great day!!!