Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Well I didn't get a chance to post yesterday blowing my chances at winning our friend Phil's challenge to post every day in March. I started an entry but then one of the kids started crying. Plus the weather was absolutely beautiful so we spent almost the entire day outside, including a walk to the playground.

Here's a photo I snapped of Caroline in the morning. She insists on wearing her snow boots all the time now, just like her brother and his cowboy boots. That's not such a bad thing for KY spring mud.Then David had to work late. I let the kids eat dinner outside. I loved to eat dinner outside when I was kid. Actually I still do.And then Kate just would not cooperate at bed time. She wanted to hang with mom and dad.And then finally I went to bed. Completely pooped from the day's activities.
Okay. I'm done with the excuses.


Anonymous said...

Why wouldn't she want to hang with you guys? You're a lot of fun.


Philip Deskins said...

You're being hard on yourself, Lisa.I never really challenged everyone to post everyday, the challenge was to try and keep up with me, which you have. You've done great, especially considering all the little people you have to take care of. I only have pets.

Lisa said...

Oh. You mean it wasn't like a contest? There's no prize?! Well poop!

Jen said...

Yeah, and at least you were honest. I posted on Monday, but set the post time for Sunday ... And, I'm like Phil, one lone cat and Mike to take care of, not a gaggle of cute kids.

PS - LOVE Caroline's haircut and can't wait to see the kiddos, you and Dave on Saturday!

Ms. Thomas said...

I think spending the day outside was a much better decision than posting. Kids look like they had a blast. And Kate is looking so much like you!

Anonymous said...

Post, schmost. I gave up somewhere between the birthday party and still doing the weekend laundry on Wednesday. I think we're doing great!