Wednesday, November 17, 2010

T-Day Luncheon

The girls' daycare had a family Thanksgiving lunch today. Jonah's elementary school, Clays Mill, used to also. The food was so much better at the girls' school. Luckily today was David's day off and he was able to go, so I sat with Kate and her class and David sat with Caroline and her class. Kate's teacher told me that they have to seat Kate so that she can see Caroline or she gets really upset, since they have lunch at the same time. Awwwwwww!

Kate and her friend Madison.

Daddy and Caroline.

Caroline and her friends Jordan, Beatrice, and Ava.
We had a wonderful lunch with the girls, even though they got upset when we had to leave.

1 comment:

D, A, B, Z, and Ak said...

cute with the headband on! (: