Sunday, November 21, 2010

Picky Picky

Jonah and Caroline have been horribly picky eaters. I thought I was doing something wrong until Kate came along. She'll pretty much try anything and loves fruits and vegetables. Jonah was the worst but has gotten somewhat better since entering puberty. I've looked on all kinds of parenting magazines, websites, and books on how to get your picky eater to eat and try more foods. I've tried sneaking fruits and veggies into other food, like mixing a little veggie baby food with marinara sauce. I swear my kids know. It gets really frustrating.

Awhile ago I came across these chopsticks for kids and thought they looked like fun. I always loved eating with chopsticks when I was a kid and still love Asian food. The other night I made fried rice with broccoli and carrots and got out the chopsticks for Caroline and Kate. They both loved them which I expected. What I didn't expect was that Caroline even ate the broccoli and carrots. Score!

Even Kate can do it!


D, A, B, Z, and Ak said...

I need to look for some of those kids chopsticks for my kids! They tried at the end of the summer when a friend from China came and said kids there learn when they are around two. . . which my youngest had the most success. (:

MAO said...

Now I'm on the hunt for children's chopsticks.

Ames said...

another really good tip (or so I've heard) is to get them to help you cook... not saying they have to wield knives or stick their head in the oven or anything, but kids seem to be more than happy to eat things they've had a hand in... just sayin'

Ms. Thomas said...

You are such a good momma! And so good at outsmarting those babes!

Lisa said...

I got these chopsticks in a Montessori catalog, but I found out that they sell similar ones at Barnes and Noble.

I have had some success with having them help me cook. Caroline likes to eat muffins that she's helped me make. I think as the girls get older we'll be able to do that more. Jonah has absolutely no interest in cooking.