Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This is the first year we didn't make it to an orchard to pick out our pumpkins. It just never worked out. We've had other fun holiday happenings to attend though.

We went trick or treating at the Louisville Zoo with the girls' cuzin' Henry. Caroline decided to be Snow White this year. Kate didn't have her "official" costume yet.The girls pose with Henry in a yellow submarine. I don't know what a submarine has to do with Halloween.

Caroline got to pose with a few of the princesses. Who needs Disney World?!

Move it Supergirl!
On Friday the girls' school had a costume parade and trick or treating. Thankfully I was able to leave clinicals to make it just in the nick of time.

Caroline and her class.
Kate. She loves to wear her big brother's old cowboy boots so she's a cowgirl this year.
The girls together. Jonah's getting too "old" to participate in the Halloween activities this year. I did take him and his best friend to see Devil at the movies. This year he's going to pass out candy instead of trick or treating.


Megan said...

How adorable are they?! Caroline's hair is getting so long. Next year, she can be Rapunzal. :)

Sperrrrrrbs said...

So sweet! Happy Halloween! They are adorable!

Jen said...

Happy Halloween!! Is Kate's hair getting lighter?

Philip Deskins said...

It's a YELLOW submarine. Some kids dress like the Beatles I guess.