Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lemonade Out of Lemons

One of my big concerns about going to nursing school and the girls starting daycare full time has been that they will be sick a lot and I'll have to miss class. My clinical time I really can't miss I have to make it up, and I have no idea when I could make it up with my already crazy schedule. Well Caroline has promised to deliver. Our good friend Jennifer has already come to my rescue twice and has sit with a sick Caroline so I could attend class, including this past Tuesday. Caroline was fine by Wednesday morning so I got her and Kate ready and shuttled them to school. But the daycare informed me that Caroline was not able to attend until she was fever free for at least 24 hrs. Grrrrrrrrrr! So Kate stayed and Caroline and I left.

At first I was going to take Caroline with me to class. But then I just imagined Caroline trying to sit still for 75 minutes. Not going to happen. Luckily I only have one class on Wednesdays, so I decided to skip it. I haven't missed a single class yet, and I can get the notes from one of my nursing friends. We were going to spend some bonding time together. Mommy and Caroline Day! Where should we go? Hmmmmm. Well to the mall of course!

We had lunch and sat at the high lunch counter.

Caroline loved these mannequins with purple hair and insisted I take her picture with them.
We had to hit the Disney store and picked up new shirts for Caroline and Kate.
After the mall we stopped by Barnes and Noble where they were having a scarecrow display. Caroline wasn't crying. I think the sun was in here eyes.
I hated missing class but I really enjoyed my day with Caroline. I tried to talk her into getting her ears pierced and came really close. Maybe next Mommy and Caroline Day.


Unknown said...

you are invited to follow my blog

Lisa said...

I don't know who Steve Finnell is or how he found my blog. I do not sanction his blog nor his beliefs.

Jen said...

What a fun and impromptu day!!

Megan said...

Maybe Steve is the infamous follower from Alaska that some of us have. :)

Anonymous said...

You gotta admit, Steve's awful polite.