Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away!!!

For awhile now I'm seriously starting to think I have Seasonal Affective Disorder. Yucky, overcast weather combined with being cooped up inside (especially with kids) really starts to make me feel like I'm losing it. So in order to save my family that I love so dearly, me and the kids bear the elements and get out of the house. Anywhere. Various stores, library, mall playground, and now the Lexington Children's Museum are favorites. We bought a family membership to the children's museum or Explorium this past winter when dealing with all the snow and ice. (I've quickly realized that family memberships are worth the money after you consider how much it costs to get a family of five into anywhere.) It's a pretty small children's museum I think but very nice. It's good for a few hours.

There are a couple of water play displays which the kids love, but extra clothes are a good idea.
There is a horse area where kids can sit on the horses or groom the horses. Kids love animals.
They have a special toddler area for children three and under.
There is a play food area with a store and dining area. Kids love play food.
There's a bubble room. There's a little play indian village. There are bugs and dinosaurs. There's really just a lot for kids to do. I understand they have an art studio in the afternoons but haven't participated yet.
I definitely think a visit is in order with all this nonstop crappy rain. And I highly recommend it to anyone with small children. Even as young as age one.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I just found out they have a special reptile special coming up. Check it out! http://www.explorium.com/