Tuesday, June 02, 2009

My Turn

When I started watching Samantha I realized very quickly that Caroline wanted to do all the things that the baby got to do. She wanted her turn in the baby stuff. I guess they seemed like little amusement rides to her. For the most part I didn't mind unless I was about to put the baby into something and Caroline would swoop out of no where and plop down. That got old quickly. Also sometimes she would get a little too rough. I went through three bouncer seats while I watched Samantha because of Caroline. The one I have now has a 45 lb weight limit so I hope it lasts through Kate. And then sometimes Caroline wouldn't even wait for the baby to vacate before she would hop aboard. Of course this could get downright dangerous so I would watch her like a hawk.

Samantha enjoying her bumbo seat.
Caroline enjoying Samantha's bumbo seat.
Caroline loves the baby swing. I've had to ban her from it since Kate was born. She's just too big.
Now she has to try out Samantha's car seat.
Caroline! You have to wait until the baby is out first. (No one was hurt in the taking of these pictures.)

First Sam.
Now Kate.


Ms. Thomas said...

Caroline is certainly not lacking in personality! What a shame that the world can't really revolve around her. It'd be a better place.

Philip Deskins said...

The look on Kate's face is hilarious. It's like she's saying, "Okay Mom, are you going to help or just take pictures?"


liz said...

I called the Bumbo the Bimbo. I really need to clean up my mouth before Sam's vocabulary increases to three words.