Monday, June 22, 2009


I think I'm suffering from post vacation blues. We spent last week in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Which is where Jonah was born and where I still have family. We drove there this time. We took two days driving there and two days back. Driving that far with a toddler and baby is no picnic but once we were there we had an awesome time.

Of course we spent some time at the beach.
We picked up my niece Caice in Virginia on the way down. She and Jonah act just like brother and sister.
We arrived on Kate's six month birthday. Happy half birthday Katie!
Caroline and Kate preferred the pool so we spent a lot of time there.
Hardworking dad got a lot of time to relax. Just in time for father's day!
Of course we had to play a game of putt putt.
We got dressed up and went out to eat.And that was about it. Beach, pool, family, fun, and food. What else do you need? It was fantastic and I want it back!!!


Jen said...

You just described my ideal vacation! I am glad you guys had a good time and missed "seeing" you on the blogs. We need to plan a weekend for you and the kids to come visit - it's about time for the zoo again, ehh?

Ms. Thomas said...

And now the Hensleys will attempt to recreate the Schandings' vacation in Destin. Complete with the picking up of a bonus cousin. Because it's just a good way to spend a week.

Glad you had fun in the sun!