Monday, April 13, 2009

The Ski Trippers

About 10 years ago (is that right?) David worked part time at Toys R Us while attending UK. While working there he met an awesome group of people who all became great friends. One winter some of them decided to take a trip together and go skiing. In Tennessee. Well they didn't end up going skiing. Believe it or not there is a little place to go skiing there in Gatlinburg so I'm not really sure why they didn't end up going. Anyway! The trip became an annual event for these good friends from Toys R Us to get together every Super Bowl weekend. So far there has been nine of these "ski trips" as they are still called. I have been to four of these ski trips, I think, and they are an absolute blast. They give everyone a chance to escape their day to day lives and just have a good time with really good friends.

Group photo from ski trip VI it looks like.All weekend we do lots of fun and silly things. Like a pool tournament.
And karaoke.Some hula hooping.Or just relaxing in the hot tub.Oh and there is just a little bit of drinking. It helps with the silly part.We didn't get to make the last ski trip, due to our new arrival Kate. But we really hope we're able to make the next one. I'm already excited!


Ms. Thomas said...

We definitely missed seeing the Schandings this year! Especially when Dave passes out while looking at a picture of Caroline and Lisa schools the rest of us in what it takes to be a party animal... You better be back and without a bun in the oven for #10!

Lisa said...

No more buns in this oven!!!!

Jen said...

"Really hope" to make it??!! Let's get more definitive Mrs. Schanding. I'd be fine with a "come hell or high water, we'll be there this year!!!"

D, A, B, Z, and Ak said...

I had to laugh at the memory with the "ski trip" name with no skiiing! Sounds like David started that back in High School with the Senior "skiing" trip. (:

Lisa said...

You're right Jen. We WILL be there. In fact I have new blood to bring.

Annmarie I was very lucky not to be part of that "ski" trip but I certainly remember it.

Jen said...

And, for the record, it's been almost 15 years!! I started working there when I was 16 and am turning 30 next month and am pretty sure Dave had been there a while when I started.