Sunday, September 21, 2008

More from the Zoo

When you have a new child you can't wait to share new experiences with them, like holidays or in this case going to the zoo. I have found that most of the time the actual first experience doesn't turn out to be nearly as great as what I had pictured in my mind. I had been excited about taking Caroline to the zoo. Jonah and I had always had a good time at the zoo. The first part of the trip was very nice. But the second half was pretty awful. She got tired and cranky and refused to sleep in her stroller. It was extremely hot also. I'll just remember the first half of the trip I think.

Daddy and Caroline at the petting zoo. The petting zoo was fun.

Photos of Jonah with various animals. These photos crack me up for some reason. It's like Jonah has his own wildlife show. Jonah felt that we should take a picture of every single creature that we saw. He confiscated my camera several times and took pictures of everything. I deleted at least 50 pictures. We'll go to the zoo again. I really don't need photos like this...Yuck!


Anonymous said...

So excited to see an update. Although I could do without the picture of the roaches! I can't believe how big Caroline is!
- Kristin

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kristin. Please refrain from posting roach infestation pictures in the future.


P.S. These two are growing up too fast! I demand they slow down. I'm going to talk to Jonah about it.