Friday, August 10, 2007

Four Month Update

Caroline is now four months old. At her doctor appointment yesterday, she weighed 14 lbs and 6 ozs which is in the 64% and was 24 1/2 ins long which is in the 57%. So she is just above average for her age, even though people like to comment all the time what a little chunk she is. I have to admit that I do lovingly call her my chunky monkey sometimes. I think it's the cheeks. Well her roly poly thighs don't help much.

She has rolled over from front to back and back to front, but just sporadically.

She now loves to put everything into her mouth.
We've started giving her solids. She's had rice cereal and bananas. She absolutely loves them. Jonah had no interest in food until after he was 6 months. I guess Caroline loves to eat, just like her mama.She's even started to sit up a little.
Some parents get really hung up on when their child reaches milestones. I think because they are hoping that their child is advanced and some kind of genius. I do get excited when Caroline reaches a milestone but it's more because I know she's one small step closer to eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and going to the potty. Anyway the doctor said she's perfectly normal and healthy. And I'm perfectly happy with that.


Ms. Thomas said...

Look at those big blue eyes. How can you even notice her cute chubby cheeks when she's fixated on you with those gems. Four months already?!!

Jen said...

She's sooo cute! Thanks for sending the pics - I put a couple on my fridge because she makes me smile when I'm going to get milk for coffee in the morning!

Keep the updates coming!

Shanonita said...

And I see she's holding something with both hands and making it into her mouth! What a smart bunny. I showed Renee her pictures and she wants to meet her : )