Thursday, July 19, 2007

Field Trip Fridays

One of the things that scared me the most about having a baby and being on maternity leave is the fact that I would have Jonah home with me all summer long. I could already hear him. "I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored." I was right too. So one of the ideas that I came up with to entertain him is field trip Fridays. We came up with a list of day trips that would give him something to look forward to during the week. For example we've been bowling, to Gattitown, to the movies, and to the Lexington Children's Museum. Sometimes Jonah invites a friend. I'm not sure where we're going tomorrow, now that I think about it. I better check the list. Anyway, here's some fun photos from the Children's Museum.

Hmmmmmm. This puzzle is difficult! (It was too. I couldn't figure it out.)
Jonah's a miner. (Doesn't it look like I photoshoped him into the photo?)
I get sick just watching this.
Rock climbing.
Jonah's a nut!
Big brother and lil' sis.


Jen said...

Oh man, I wish I'd known about these earlier and could have scheduled a Friday off work - I have been wanting to go to the Cincy Zoo for a while now. When does school start back for Jonah? Maybe it's not too late...

Anonymous said...

That's a great idea! He starts back August 13th.

Ms. Thomas said...

California's beaches are nice this time of year too...

Shanonita said...

what a cute picture of the two of them together : )!! What a sweet big brother. Don't tell him I said he was sweet though, he may not like that.