Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mini Vacation

We just got back from spending a long weekend in FL visiting my family in Jacksonville. We had a great time.

This was Caroline's first airplane ride. She did absolutely awesome. She would get a little fussy during the landing but that was it. She much prefers traveling by air over car. She doesn't care for the car. Here's a family photo my mom took. Yes, I got all my hair cut off. It's just easier. While we did some shopping, David walked Caroline around in her snugli and protected her from the FL sun with the umbrella. Isn't he an awesome dad?
I don't have any pictures at the beach. Caroline didn't care for the beach and things got a little bit ugly. She loves the pool though.Jonah got a chance to give golf a try. He really liked it. I don't know. Seems like an expensive habit to me. I do really miss FL and my fam but man was it hot!!


Anonymous said...

I love the pic of her strapped to Dave's chest. Hilarious!
Love your hair too, Lisa!!!
Megan D

Jen said...

Yeah, that pic is awesome - so cute!

Love the hair as well! I hear ya about "easy" - I've been a permanent pony tail all summer and I don't really have an excuse other than laziness and humidity...

Ms. Thomas said...

I love the way Caroline is gazing up at Dave on the airplane. Venus used to look at him like that... true love! If you'd have told me 3 years ago that Dave would be wearing a snugli and holding an umbrella to keep someone else out of the sun, I would have thought you were crazy. You guys make such a cute family. And Jonah is growing up to be quite a fox! My oh my.