Monday, December 19, 2011

Seeing Santa

Almost exactly one year ago, I took the girls to a birthday party at a place in Lexington called Monkey Joe's. They love the place, but not the character. When the six foot Monkey Joe walked in to the party room, my girls became hysterical. I'm not exaggerating. Kate flew into my arms and Caroline wrapped herself around one of my legs, both of them sobbing and crying. They hated characters.

So a week ago when my mom wanted to take the girls to see Santa, I wasn't sure what to expect. I'm not one of those parents who force my kids to see Santa while they scream and cry (ok, unless it's David). As it turned out however, Caroline was okay with it and actually enjoyed seeing Santa. Kate on the other hand wouldn't go within ten feet of him. Oh well. We got a pretty cute photo of Caroline with Santa anyway.


Jen said...

LOVE this picture!! We still need to get Anna to a Santa ...

Shannon said...

I LOVE this picture!! What a doll!

Ms. Thomas said...

Those boots she's wearing. I NEED THOSE.