Thursday, December 04, 2008

100th Post!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We did. We spent the day with David's family. They only live an hour and a half away. In case I went into labor. I didn't.

David was very excited because Caroline got to sit at the big kids' table this year. Instead of the high chair.I think all she ate were the baked beans. That girl loves baked beans!David was stuffed! Once we got home he had to lie down and watch some football. (Notice the lap top so he can check his fantasy football stats.)He did muster enough energy for us to put up our tree. We get a real tree. We put it up earlier than usual this year because I wanted to get it up before the baby comes. As you can tell by David's expression putting up a tree with a toddler around can be a little frustrating. But hey! she's only broken six ornaments so far. In addition to glass ornaments Caroline also loves the lights.As you probably guessed I haven't had the baby yet. I've made it to December! Which means Kate's middle name will be Noel. Or Noelle. We haven't decided for sure on the spelling. Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

I prefer to spell it M-E-G-A-N. :)

Get that baby out, I wanna meet her!

What cute pics of Miss Caroline.
Megan D

Jen said...

I like Noelle - so beautiful! Katherine Noelle... such a pretty name!

I'm with Megan... I'd like to meet her soon, please! But, not before tomorrow's dinner : )

Anonymous said...

No not M-E-G-A-N. Although it is lovely. And not Katherine. Kate.
We'll see you all tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Her cousin likes Noelle :-)


Philip Deskins said...

Make sure to bring your camera to the dinner tonight. If you go into labor, it would be and interesting post. How about Belle? Named after Dave's favorite group Belle and Sabastian. Christine also comes to mind. I liked the book. I would say Hope, Joy, or Faith, but that's been done, hasn't it?

Anonymous said...

It looks like David made Caroline go through the lights and check each bulb one by one. What a tyrant.


Shanonita said...

Renee loves baked beans as well and here we eat them for breakfast! I like Noelle, very pretty.