Thursday, May 15, 2008

Good and Not So Good

I know. I know. I haven't updated in awhile. Now I have a gazillion things to cover. Well maybe not a gazillion exactly. Some of the things are good. Some things not so good.

In April we made it to Keeneland which was good. I love Keeneland! But the weather was chilly and rainy which was not so good. We still had a good time.On Derby Day Caroline had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic she's on for her urinary reflux. She broke out in a rash called erythema multiforme. I had never heard of it. Her hands and feet turned purple and were swollen to twice their size. It was really, really not good. She was extremely miserable. They told us it would last 2-4 weeks but fortunately only lasted four days. Aveeno oatmeal baths are very, very good by the way. Jonah has been playing baseball again. He's on the Red Sox. He plays left field and pitcher. He even hit a triple the other day. He's been doing really good.Also Jonah moved up to Webelo in cub scouts which was very good. He's really stuck with it in scouts and we're very proud of him.
On mother's day part of a tree fell on our house which is not so good. We even have a small hole in our ceiling. It's all fixable though and no one was hurt so it's not so bad. Movey was pretty freaked out. He/she wouldn't go back upstairs for a whole day. It made a memorable mother's day.Last but certainly not least we found out I'm pregnant again. The baby is due December 15th and appears to be doing well. We think this is good.


Jen said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you guys! You've had quite a busy month! Congratulations again!

Shanonita said...

OHMY! OHMY! Congratulations! I hope you have been feeling all right. How exciting! Another babe in the house.

Pobrecita Caroline! I am glad she got better quickly. She's such a little trooper and now she's going to be a big sister and Jonah a big brother X2.

I can't believe it! I am very excited for you all (and only a little bit jealous).

LKS said...


Anonymous said...

Caroline is amazing. I can't believe she's capable of making a head-to-toe body rash look cute...

And speaking of cute, how adorable is that little peanut in the ultrasound?! Philip and I are so excited to meet little Kyle or Maddison.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! What great news! You are adding on to what is already an amazingly adorable family... aw!

Ms. Thomas said...

Congrats Dave & Lisa for all the good stuff happening. The tree on the house, well, at least you're looking on the bright side. So many happy Schandings... the world is becoming a better place!

Anonymous said...