Saturday, September 22, 2007

UK Arboretum

Jonah's cub scout den took a field trip to the UK Arboretum this week. It's a beautiful place. I felt really silly for living so close and never visiting it before. It's only about five minutes away from our house. There are paths that would be perfect for taking Caroline walking in her stroller. I'll definitely go back.

Jonah's into not smiling for pictures. I thought this was a teenager thing. I hope he outgrows it soon.
The den checks out real live Venus Flytraps.I never knew bottles grew on trees! Actually it's some kind of good luck custom in another culture. I forget which one exactly.I finally got a smile!


Philip Deskins said...

Why didn't you bring the neighbor kid along? He would have loved the flowers!

Jen said...

The Arboretum is perfect for pups too - I bet cutie Chase and Flash would be big fans!

Anonymous said...

Phil, that's just wrong.