Thursday, December 23, 2010

Technical Difficulties

Our little angelic looking girls are actually tornadoes of destruction, probably like most children. I've lost count of how many Christmas ornaments they have broken, plus two snow globes, plus my camera, plus our laptop in just the past couple of weeks. The ornaments can be replaced and luckily we will be able to repair our laptop, but my camera is toast. And at the worst time! Kate's birthday and the holidays. Fortunately my mom became the hero of the season by getting me a new camera for Christmas. I didn't get it however until after Kate's birthday and the girls' Christmas program at school so I've had to use my phone.

Our laptop...

Kate's class dressed like angels for the program. I have no idea how they got 12 two year olds to keep those costumes on.

Kate and her class.

My phone was not able to take very good pics at all during the show. It was too dark and far away. I thought I should have asked Phil to borrow his camera. Luckily David got it all on video.

Caroline passing by our pew on the way to the stage.

Kate's class on the stage performing. All the angels came out looking like a blinding white light.

Caroline and Kate in their Christmas dresses given by their Great-Aunt Deb after the program.

The show was so adorable! The teachers and kids did such a great job. I've learned my lesson though. From now on I'm guarding our electronics like Ft. Knox.

1 comment:

D, A, B, Z, and Ak said...

Good question about how they kept those costumes on - but super cute!!!
Thanks for the Christmas card I got in the mail - nice looking family!