Monday, December 06, 2010

104 Days

A couple of months ago I was driving home when I passed this little Dora kitchen on the curb that someone had tossed. What?! I slammed on the breaks, backed up, and hauled it in. I had thought for a long time that the girls would have a blast with a little plastic kitchen in the backyard for cooking their dirt masterpieces. David and I did give it a good scrubbing to sanitize if from "other people" germs before putting it in the backyard for the girls. Of course they loved it immediately. Now they have an official mud pie and stone soup kitchen. Kids having a great time playing in the backyard is a very, very good thing. How many days until Spring?

1 comment:

Megan said...

That's adorable! I can't believe somebody threw that out. Score one for mama Schanding.