Sunday, October 11, 2009

Katie Wonder

This was so cute I had to post it immediately.

Kate is 10 months now (well on the 13th). Her newest found talents are dancing, waving, pointing, clapping, and walking while holding onto mommy and daddy's fingers. At her last dr appt, she was 21 lbs and something ozs and was 28 3/4 ins. She was in the 80th % for weight and height. She loves Barney like Caroline (What is it about that purple dinosaur???!) and taking baths with her big sister. I can't believe how much Kate and Caroline already fight. I'm not at all used to it after having only one child for so long. But they play together and have very sweet moments also.


Shannon said...

That was the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!!! Tell her to please stop growing so fast though!!!!


Ms. Thomas said...

So she thinks she can dance...

I'm ready for my babysitting shift.

Jen said...

Where are you Lisa??!! Nothing about your 10-freaking-K! Will Halloween get a post?