Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Exhibit B

(Can you believe I'm posting again in one day? The girls are both asleep at 8pm. Woot!Woot!)

All of our friends and family who see Kate don't think she looks anything like Caroline. I don't think Kate looks anything like Caroline now but I still think she looks a lot like Caroline when she was a baby, only with dark hair and eyes. And eyebrows. Kate is my only child who actually has eyebrows. Here are two more pictures that David and I felt the resemblance between Caroline and Kate was uncanny. Can you tell who is who? Pretty darn similar, huh?


Anonymous said...

Well, you gave yourself away when you talked about the brows. So, Kate top, Caroline bottom.
So cute!

Ms. Thomas said...

It helps that they're wearing the same "outfit."

They are both so beautiful, Lisa. With or without eyebrows.

Anonymous said...

The only resemblance I see is that they're both babies.

Nice try with the duplicate outfit.


P.S. I like Caroline's "get that camera out of my face" expression! She's such a movie star.

LKS said...

Definitely sisters.

Also, I'm so glad to see someone updating their blog these days.

Anonymous said...

Kate top...Caroline bottom...Kate has a tan :-) And I'm DYING to meet her!!!
