Sunday, January 18, 2009

First Videas of Kate

Newborns are awfully cute but also kinda boring. However I hope you still enjoy these first videos of Kate but I do warn that they are kind of slow in action. This one was taken by my mom while she visited over the holidays.

Hey! That's what happened to my make up brush. Good thing I haven't needed it. Here's a video taken by me when she was just a few days old.

Oops! I hope little Kate forgives me. (That was her by the way and not me.)


Jen said...

So sweet!!

Anonymous said...

Oh sure, blame the baby.


Anonymous said...

That sound came outta HER? LOL Hilarious!

Ms. Thomas said...

I love busy body Caroline in the background. And Jonah looks like he's so good with the girls... using a makeup brush as a weapon!

Beautiful babies, Lisa. Even if they do rip some toots.

Anonymous said...

Kate is so beautiful1! We sure would like to see her and all of the family.
yes, I cannot believe how much she and Caroline looked alike at their births..
I hope you liked your birthday flowers and that you had a good day. We will call you soon.
Take care and give all the kids a hug for us.