Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Concert

Jonah had his first band recital at Lafayette High School last night. All the elementary schools, middle schools and the high school bands have a Christmas concert together on the same night. The elementary school fifth graders actually all play together for the first time. It's a little different than the way we did it back in my day. The place was totally packed and David and I had to sit with the girls up in a balcony.

Here's a snippet of the fifth graders. Keep in mind that the fifth graders only have band twice a week for 30 minutes. It's like an introductory class.

Isn't Caroline's conducting funny?

David took the girls home early (it was their bedtime) so I managed to sneak a little closer. That's Jonah directly in the middle. At the very end of the concert, all of the bands played Ode to Joy together.

I was very proud of Jonah and again felt painfully aware how quickly my little boy is growing up. He will be a student at that high school in just a couple of years.


Ms. Thomas said...

What are you using to make Caroline's how grow so freaking fast?! I need some of your secret recipe!

Ms. Thomas said...

Also, way to go Jonah! I always admired people who can play the trumpet. I have some disability that doesn't let me zerbert the right way.