Thursday, February 09, 2012

Why Not?

At the top of Caroline's Christmas list this year was an American Girl doll. Even though Caroline seems mature for her age, I don't think any four year old is ready for a $100 doll. Luckily some friends had told me about Target's look alike doll for much less, so that's what Caroline received and she was very happy. Surprisingly Caroline received the exact same doll in the Schanding cousin Christmas gift exchange. Caroline however was ecstatic shouting, "Twins!" She named her girls Kara and Karabelle in honor of the cousin who gave her the twin. Interestingly Caroline decided that her twins' birthday would be in January. She made me mark it on the calendar. And she insisted on a birthday party. Which just happened to all fall on MLK day.

Kara and Karabelle with their party dresses on.

Caroline and her girls.

David thought of decorating our own individual pizzas for the birthday meal.
Mmm-mmmm good!
Caroline and I baked a birthday cake. David and Caroline wrapped presents for the twins. Kate decided that it was her piggy bank's birthday too.
Band-aids! Perfect gift for a doll!
I never thought of having a birthday party for dolls, but we had a pretty good time.


Megan said...

Brilliant, Caroline! Way to get a party outta mom and dad!
Note to self: never show this post to Iris...ever.

Jen said...

Love this!! I had dolls that had gifts under the tree from Santa each year, usually clothing (boring, ha). What a great idea ... the pizzas made me hungry : )

PS - I need to get Anna down to meet the girls, they'd have a ball together, she loves "big kids"

Ms. Thomas said...

This is so cute. You guys have the best weirdest parties. I can't WAIT for the Valentine's Day Kitchen Dance. Everyone better be dressed up, including these twins!

Shannon said...

Oh Caroline! I love it!