Friday, March 30, 2007

Caroline, We're Waiting!

At my 39 week dr appointment yesterday, I was 0 centimeters dilated. Zero. Nada. Nothing is happening. My actual due date is Tuesday, April 3. At my next appointment on Thursday, April 5, the dr will schedule me to be induced the following week if nothing happens. I was induced with Jonah at 42 weeks. I am so hoping that I go into labor on my own this time. Sigh. We'll see. Waiting for a baby is worse than waiting for Christmas, a vacation, and graduation all combined. At this point, I've done everything I can do.

The nursery is ready.
The bassinet is ready beside our bed for those many sleepless nights.
My bag is packed, as well as one for the baby.

The car seat is ready and waiting.

Come on Caroline!!!!


Ms. Thomas said...

Come on girl! Get here already!!!

Jen said...

I'm so excited to meet baby Caroline! The nursery looks great - soooo cute!