In the most recent past, we were able to take an unbelievable ski trip vacation in Steamboat Springs, Colorado during the first week of January, thanks to the kindness and generosity of my mom and her husband. I don't think David and I really believed we were going until we actually stepped off the plane (which we had to catch 7am New Year's Day but that's another story in itself) in Colorado. This is the view from the condo where we stayed with my mom Sandi and her husband Lewis and my 2 brothers, Jason and Jon.

We were also able to spend some great quality time with my Aunt Deb, Uncle Brian and cousins Shannon and Stephanie, all of whom live in Colorado. (David fact: His family lived in Colorado for several years. They moved to KY when David was 5 or 6) I kept waiting for all of us to be together to get a group shot but then we were never all together at the same time. Darn!
Here's David and I hitting the slopes.

While David and I would ski, Jonah would go to snowboarding school. He was really excited to learn. The first day in CO, my brothers and Lewis rented snowboards but turned them back in after about 30 minutes, saying how incredibly difficult it was. David and I totally expected to pick up Jonah from the snowboard school ready to throw in the towel. But no, he couldn't wait to go back the next day!
Jonah's mastered the ski lift.

What a cutie!

There you have it! Thanks for sharing our most excellent Colorado adventure. (We also visited some Colorado hot springs which were amazing. Hopefully, I'll photos soon to blog.)
***I have to give a great big Schanding thank you to Amber and Phil for being so awsome to babysit the pups while we were gone. We can't thank you enough!! ***
1 comment:
Ditto to what Jen said!! It feels like Christmas to see new blogs. Colorado looked beautiful. And the pups were my pleasure. Chase made me feel like a goddess, and I think Flash has got a thing for me... it's either me or Purina. Looks like you had an incredible time, and I'm glad you're training Jonah for future NYEs early on, especially if we're going to recruit him as one of our own!
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