Friday, February 24, 2012


I don't care how old he is. This is how I'll always see my little boy.
I love you Jonah. Happy 13th birthday!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Put Your Feet Up

When David and I moved into this house, I had my stuff and he had his. And I made him get rid of a lot of his. Except his beloved recliner. "But it's like thirty years old!" he'd say. Sounds like it's time to go to me. But we kept it. It was upstairs for a long time. And then I talked him into finally getting rid of it (like 5+ years later). We had it out on the front lawn. Then once again, he went into his spiel about what a great chair it was and how much he loved it. "Okay let's put it on the back porch for now," I sighed.

My mom came to visit not much later and I started to complain about D's icky chair. Mom just looked at me and said, "Let the man have his chair." Sometimes it just takes a different point of view to see things differently and to change your mind. And I decided yes, if it means that much to him, let him have it. He works very hard, picking up over time, for us that if he wants to relax at the end of the day in his beloved recliner then so be it. But he had to get a cover for it.

Now someone else loves it too and takes her naps in it.
(In fact she's taking a nap in it as I type this!)

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Why Not?

At the top of Caroline's Christmas list this year was an American Girl doll. Even though Caroline seems mature for her age, I don't think any four year old is ready for a $100 doll. Luckily some friends had told me about Target's look alike doll for much less, so that's what Caroline received and she was very happy. Surprisingly Caroline received the exact same doll in the Schanding cousin Christmas gift exchange. Caroline however was ecstatic shouting, "Twins!" She named her girls Kara and Karabelle in honor of the cousin who gave her the twin. Interestingly Caroline decided that her twins' birthday would be in January. She made me mark it on the calendar. And she insisted on a birthday party. Which just happened to all fall on MLK day.

Kara and Karabelle with their party dresses on.

Caroline and her girls.

David thought of decorating our own individual pizzas for the birthday meal.
Mmm-mmmm good!
Caroline and I baked a birthday cake. David and Caroline wrapped presents for the twins. Kate decided that it was her piggy bank's birthday too.
Band-aids! Perfect gift for a doll!
I never thought of having a birthday party for dolls, but we had a pretty good time.