Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Elements

Like just about everyone else I think, I am so DONE with snow. Bring on spring. It's especially not fun when you have little kids literally bouncing off the walls. (Come to my house and you will see Caroline bouncing off the walls.) Yeah we do go to places like the library, mall playground, and children's museum but sometimes bundling up two toddlers and transporting them in and out of the car in freezing temperatures is just more trouble than it's worth. If it's nice enough, at least above freezing, I will take them outside but that lasts about 30 minutes max right now. Poor little Kate gets cold quickly and still falls down a lot.

When I saw this idea in a parenting magazine, I thought it was pure genius. So simple yet I had never thought of it. Bring some snow inside. So I did and the girls loved it. Particularly Caroline who played with it for over an hour (with occasional snow refills), which in toddler time is almost an eternity.

We didn't even have to take off our pajamas!
Even though we were inside, a pair of gloves is still a good idea.
Caroline even said I was the best mom ever for making this miniature snowman. Awwww!
Luckily Dad can take the bigger kids out on his days off for more traditional snow fun.
Okay. Next season please!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Football May Be Over....

...but college basketball is ON! I do like college basketball. I don't pay as much attention to it now with three kids as I did in my early 20's. But I do enjoy watching it. Basketball has a much faster pace to me than football. Football puts me to sleep. (Sorry Grandad!!!!)

Although when I saw this video on my camera of David teaching Caroline the John Wall Dance I was a little disturbed. Thanks to David, I think our girls are destined to be cheerleaders. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!)

Don't know what the John Wall Dance is? Well you are just NOT a Kentucky Wildcat fan. (Actually I had never heard of it until last night.)

Go cats! (...and go Mountaineers 2nd!)

Monday, February 08, 2010

Saints or Colts?

I could really care less. But I do know that football season is over!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Sister Act

Caroline loves to perform. Kate loves belly buttons. Then the two got together....

We don't usually let Caroline wear half shirts. She's wearing Kate's clothes in the video. She likes to change her clothes at least five times a day now.