Sunday, December 13, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Oh No!

The static is back!!!Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!Seriously. Does anyone know how to cure static? We use a humidifier. I'm thinking more hair conditioner maybe.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Concert

Jonah had his first band recital at Lafayette High School last night. All the elementary schools, middle schools and the high school bands have a Christmas concert together on the same night. The elementary school fifth graders actually all play together for the first time. It's a little different than the way we did it back in my day. The place was totally packed and David and I had to sit with the girls up in a balcony.

Here's a snippet of the fifth graders. Keep in mind that the fifth graders only have band twice a week for 30 minutes. It's like an introductory class.

Isn't Caroline's conducting funny?

David took the girls home early (it was their bedtime) so I managed to sneak a little closer. That's Jonah directly in the middle. At the very end of the concert, all of the bands played Ode to Joy together.

I was very proud of Jonah and again felt painfully aware how quickly my little boy is growing up. He will be a student at that high school in just a couple of years.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

More Milestones

Big things have been happening the past couple of weeks here at the Schanding household.

Kate started sleeping through the night. (Most of the time.)
Caroline mastered the potty. (This picture was actually taken a year ago when we first got her the potty.) Now we have only one in diapers again. Hallelujah!!
And Kate started walking everywhere all by herself.

Our babes are growing up. And life is getting a little bit easier.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Part Wookiee?

Kate doesn't talk yet (although I swear I heard her say "da-ee" a couple of times) but she does make lots of noises. Funny noises like some sort of animal. David said she reminds him of Chewbacca from Star Wars.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Halloween Festivities

Of course we carved pumpkins. Well David and Jonah did. I made Jonah do it. He didn't want to but I told him it was a family activity and he had to participate. Then he really enjoyed it. He was very proud that he carved his pumpkin completely by himself for the first time. Kate and Caroline just watched pretty much.
David worked really hard on his design. I think that's so cute!
Caroline wanted to make cookies for her friends. So we baked cookies and made goody bags for the neighborhood kids. Let me tell you. Sprinkles and a 2 year old is a dangerous combination.
I asked Caroline what she wanted to be for Halloween this year, not really expecting an answer, but she told me that she wanted to be a witch. So Caroline was a witch and Kate a bunny. Jonah went to Gatlinburg (ski trip jr) with his best friend. We really missed him.
It was pretty cold so we bundled the girls up as best as we could but they still got pretty cold. We trick or treated for about half an hour when they had enough.
David managed to scare the trick or treaters. And us too.

Naturally the girls loved their treats. I was pleasantly surprised at how much Caroline got into the Halloween festivities this year. I think Christmas is going to be a lot of fun!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Katie Wonder

This was so cute I had to post it immediately.

Kate is 10 months now (well on the 13th). Her newest found talents are dancing, waving, pointing, clapping, and walking while holding onto mommy and daddy's fingers. At her last dr appt, she was 21 lbs and something ozs and was 28 3/4 ins. She was in the 80th % for weight and height. She loves Barney like Caroline (What is it about that purple dinosaur???!) and taking baths with her big sister. I can't believe how much Kate and Caroline already fight. I'm not at all used to it after having only one child for so long. But they play together and have very sweet moments also.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Better Late Than Never?

David had a birthday a couple of weeks ago. He turned 38. I never got around to posting these pictures until I thought it was too late. But hey! It's my blog so I'm going to post them now anyway. Even though his birthday was almost a month ago. Happy birthday David! We love you!!!

We went out to dinner at Mellow Mushroom. Very good pizza. Mmmmmmm!

Plus I just had to post this video for David.

In more recent news, Jonah got his very first shiner. Pretty ain't it?

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Flag Changing Ceremony, Part 2

I mentioned in a previous post (I don't know why this is typing in bold???) that David made us have a flag changing ceremony in order to commemorate the start of football season. The start of the UK football season in particular. Until the other day I didn't realize he actually recorded the rehearsals.

Does this scream Clark Griswald to anyone else?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Out of the blue last night Kate started blowing raspberries on my arm. I've never seen a baby do that before. It really cracked me up! And everyone else.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Softer Side of Dave

Not everyone realizes this but David claims to hate cats. Hate. He says they should all be put down. Imagine my surprise when I came across pictures on my camera of a kitten and found out that they were taken by David! It seems a little kitten visited our house one day when I was out. David was so charmed by her cuteness that he fed her andeven took several photos. I bet he even petted her. She must have found her way home because we haven't seen her again since. Probably for the best because I bet the "cat hater" might have kitten-napped her.
(This entry is dedicated to Jen - the crazy cat woman. ; ) )

Saturday, September 05, 2009


I have been really unmotivated about the blog lately. I started this blog for all of our family and friends who live out of town and don't get to see the kids very often. But now I don't even really think any of them, with the exception of a few of our friends, even check the blog. Maybe I should just give up on the blog. But I hate to do that too. I've been doing this for so long now. I don't know. Anyway here's what we've been up to lately...

Jonah started fifth grade. He also joined the band and chose to play the trumpet. David played trombone in middle school and I played the saxophone in middle and high school. So we're excited for him to learn how to play an instrument. Caroline was extremely jealous.
Caroline started preschool. It's a 2 year old program at a co-op preschool ( if you're interested) that she attends two mornings a week. I really like the school so far and Caroline LOVES it. She didn't want to leave on the first day. Also she has quit taking naps. I am devastated.
Kate is crawling, pulling herself up, and has even stood on her own a few times. And she has two teeth. One on bottom and one on top. Like a jack-o-lantern. She now LOVES the wagon. David and I have put in a lot of hours lately pulling the wagon.I ran a 5k for the first time. 40min and 11sec. I'm running regularly now and plan on even trying a 10k in October (with our friends Jen and Mike, yay!). I know I look like hell in this picture but oh well. It was unbelievably hot that night. Don't you love the look on Jonah's face! David and the kids waited for me at the finish line. Plus David made lasagna to celebrate. He's such a good husband!And last but not least, David is absolutely thrilled that football starts today. He's in 2 fantasy football leagues this year. I hope he wins us some money. David even made us have a flag changing ceremony this year to honor the start of football season.Well that's it for now.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Future Hell Raisers

Samantha came over for a visit recently. Caroline wanted to show her a good time and took her for a joy ride in the jeep.
We love to let the kids drive around the back yard with a burning fire. It makes for great entertainment.
They love it. Go around again Caroline!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Pig Pen

While visiting JD and Megan's house recently Caroline decided to check out a pile of dirt in their back yard. Very closely. Until her entire face was covered. Didn't prevent her from licking her lips though. Mmmmmmm!
Stand still! Caroline gets filthy way more than big brother ever did.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009


More Kate....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Caroline loves to play hide and seek now. Except she doesn't quite get it. She thinks hiding is standing or sitting in a spot and being perfectly still. Like this...And then she also looks down at the ground from her spot. Like we won't see her if she doesn't make eye contact. I play along and pretend not to be able to find her. She cracks me up.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Deja Vu

Remember this?When Caroline started crawling backwards and getting stuck under all the furniture? Now Kate is doing the same thing. See...
I feel so guilty for taking a photo instead of immediately helping my poor babes. Okay, maybe not.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Katie Update

Kate is almost seven months now. She was 27 1/2 ins and 17 lbs 10 ozs at her last check up. Growing like a weed. She's already wearing 12 mo size clothes! She has mastered rolling over and is sitting up pretty well now but can still fall over. She is teething like mad and is a slobbery, gnawing fiend. Even though she doesn't have any teeth yet she has decided that she much prefers table food over baby food purees. I can't say I blame her. A few nights ago she finally slept through the night from 8pm until 5am but hasn't done it again since. She is sleeping in the crib now in Caroline's room but amazingly manages to find her way into bed with mommy and daddy by morning.
Except for when those pesky toofers that are bothering her she is a very happy and laid back baby. She is very observant with a quiet curiosity that I love to watch. Here's a little clip I managed to get of her watching her feet move. She would even try to catch them.

That's all I have for now but I know a lot more will happen in the upcoming months so stay tuned. I can't imagine when I have to keep up with Caroline and Kate. Oh my goodness!!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Flash & Me

Not long ago David and I saw the movie Marley & Me. We were both struck by how much the movie mirrors our own relationship and marriage. Some of the lines from the movie could have been direct quotes from us. In one of the scenes Jennifer Aniston, up to her eyeballs in screaming kids, bans the family dog from the house because he keeps barking and waking up the baby. I've certainly been there done that. I think it happens to a lot of people that once a baby arrives the family pets take a backseat and even become a little neglected. I know people who even found new homes for their pets once kids enter the picture. Maybe that is the more responsible thing to do. I have come very close myself to finding a new home for some of our pets. But I've never been able to go through with it.

When it comes down to it I love our pets and consider them part of the family. Like Jennifer Aniston sometimes I just about have it, like when I step in dog puke or when barking wakes a colicy baby, and pets just seem more expendable. Flash's illness however has given me a new appreciation for our pets. I know they won't be here forever and that I'll miss them terribly when they are gone. Flash is doing very well btw.

The girls and I have even made taking the dogs for walks part of our daily routine. Flash and Chase love walks. It's not easy. I carry Kate in a carrier and walk Flash. Caroline walks Chase. We think they're worth the extra effort.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Getting Closer

This isn't a really good picture but I felt compelled to take it at the time since it was such a momentous occasion. The other day I was able to take a shower while Caroline and Kate played together. It was miraculous. They are really starting to interact together on a regular basis and it's very cute. For the most part Caroline entertains Kate as she does here with her pig imitation.

Since Dora had a show about becoming a big sister Caroline is now very proud of the fact that she, like Dora, is a big sister. Everywhere we go Caroline points out her sister to everyone we come into contact with.
I'm really loving their blossoming relationship.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tricycles Are Out

The hottest thing at the ballpark this past spring were these little three wheeled scooters. All the little girls had them. They came in two flavors, Princess Disney and Dora. Caroline loved those little girls' scooters. She even tried to steal one by hiding it behind a bush. So when we saw the Dora variety on clearance we had to snag it for her. She loves it.She seems to be getting the hang of it too. They better watch out at the ballpark!

Monday, June 22, 2009


I think I'm suffering from post vacation blues. We spent last week in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Which is where Jonah was born and where I still have family. We drove there this time. We took two days driving there and two days back. Driving that far with a toddler and baby is no picnic but once we were there we had an awesome time.

Of course we spent some time at the beach.
We picked up my niece Caice in Virginia on the way down. She and Jonah act just like brother and sister.
We arrived on Kate's six month birthday. Happy half birthday Katie!
Caroline and Kate preferred the pool so we spent a lot of time there.
Hardworking dad got a lot of time to relax. Just in time for father's day!
Of course we had to play a game of putt putt.
We got dressed up and went out to eat.And that was about it. Beach, pool, family, fun, and food. What else do you need? It was fantastic and I want it back!!!